General Information Meeting Tuesday Noon
There will be a general information session for anyone interested in showing their work or student work during the Cosmix Show at the South Florida Museum/Bishop Planetarium. The meeting will be held Tuesday, Feb. 9, from 11:45 to 1:30, anyone with class at 12:30 can have their questions dealt with first. The meeting will be in room 208 on the second floor of the new Academic Center.
Work from the entire Ringling community, faculty, staff, students, alumni can be submitted for this show. For the planetarium, we are seeking motion work in Adobe Aftereffects or 7-projector format for the full-dome theater. In addition we are compiling the first ever Dome Art show, a compilation of single images designed for projection on the 50 foot expanse of the full planetarium dome. These works can originate in any medium, analog or digital and just have to be submitted as a 32bit Targa image. A photoshop template in the correct shape and resolution for the dome is available through a link to the Cosmix Blog at where there are also instructions for scanning work directly into the dome template. It is still possible to schedule classes to vist the planetarium and make work to project directly on the dome. This can be an interesting venue for work in illustration, drawing, painting, printmaking, collage or photography among other media. For more information please attend the meeting on Tuesday or email David Steiling at .
This year’s show of physical works will explore the theme “Once Upon A Time: The Art of Storytelling.” Work reflecting applications to children’s book arts and children’s illustration is especially being sought for this show, although any work generally responding to the theme will be welcomed. This year there is no open call, all student work has to be sponsored by faculty and prepared appropriately for exhibition. Work from class assignments can be submitted and either submitted for showing in the large exhibition space on the first floor or mounted as a group in another space in the museum. Site specific work is also being sought for the permanent exhibitions spaces around the museum.
Those wishing to submit entries for the physical exhibition either for hanging in the premier exhibition hall, as class projects mounted elsewhere or as site specific installations should contact Mark Ormond immediately to express their intentions and provide preliminary descriptions of the project or work. Actual work must be delivered by March 4 and 5 to the first floor conference room in the new Academic Center. The exhibition will be in place at the South Florida Museum from March 16 to 18.
The Cosmix Gala Night will be held on Sat., April 10, during which there will be several showing this year’s full-dome projections and performances and a celebratory reception for the artist’s showing in this year’s Cosmix. The Cosmix Gala Night will also be the conclusion of a two-day symposium on Art and Design for Immersive Media that will include a major visiting artist and a showing of the best of the last five years of Full-dome theater work from around the world. The symposium will be held on the Ringling Campus and at the Bishop Planetarium. For more information contact David Steiling, Claudia Cumbie-Jones, or Lance Ford Jones.
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